Evolve with MWAZ

We partnered with Evolve Gymnasium

MWAZ partnered with Evolve Gymnasium to provide MWAZ members with fitness classes, along with leisure and wellness activities at a discounted price. The normal subscription fee is K650/month. MWAZ membersĀ  can enjoy all the benefits that the gym has to offer at a discounted rate of K400/month. All this to make you feeling fit and performing at your maximum best…

How amazing is that? We hope to develop more of such partnerships with other women essential service providers.

More about Evolve

Evolve gym is a women only wellness center based along Independence avenue in Lusaka. It is situated near the University Teaching Hospital (UTH). This partnership is in line with the MWAZ objective of promoting physical, mental and overall wellbeing of female medical doctors.

Evolve with MWAZ

We invite you to join MWAZ and be eligible to join Evolve gym with MWAZ. Let us be fit and stronger together.